Peter Neubauer, 1994

Peter Neubauer was born in Krems, Austria and received his medical degree at the University of Bern. He came to New York in 1941 and trained at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute before joining the Child Development Center.

A noted child psychiatrist, researcher and psychoanalyst and a student of Anna Freud, Dr. Neubauer distinguished himself in articles about core traits in children and those in unusual environmental circumstances, such as “The One- Parent Child and His Oedipal Development.” He was particularly interested in understanding the reasons for children’s aggressive impulses and to find ways to guide them to more constructive ends. In 1960 he served as part of a Columbia University panel on the possible effects of television violence on the emotional development of children.

From the 1970’s until his death, Dr. Neubauer was a co-editor of “The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child’ an annual review of new findings in child therapy and analysis published at Yale.

Dr. Neubauer authored a controversial study of adoptive twins and triplets who were separated at birth for purposes of the study. At the conclusion of the study in 1980, Dr. Neubauer declined to publish it and the records are sealed at the Yale University Library.

See also The New York Times obituary.