Terttu Eskelinen de Folch, 2004

Terttu Eskelionen de Folch, who was born in Finland, has made an outstanding contribution in the development of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy in Spain. She is now one of the leaders of the Barcelona Institute. She was formerly President of the European Psychoanalytic Federation and a former editor of its Bulletin. She has also held posts of Associate Secretary and Vice President of the International Psychoanalytical Association. In 2003 she was presented with the IPA’s Award for Outstanding and Meritorious Service. She has actively worked for the development of psychoanalysis in Eastern Europe and the development of child psychoanalysis. Her main clinical and theoretical work has been dedicated to the domain of child psychoanalysis and she is considered one of the most remarkable thinkers in the field of Kleinian theories.