Stanley I. Greenspan, MD, 2003

Dr. Greenspan is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics George Washington University Medical School and Supervising Child Psychoanalyst at Washington Psychoanalytic Institute as well as Chairman of the Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders. The world’s foremost authority on clinical work with infants and young children with Developmental and emotional problems, his work has guided parents, professionals and researchers all over the world. He is the founding president Zero to Three: The National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families, and past director of the HIMH Mental Health Study Center and the Clinical Infant Development Program. Dr. Greenspan is the author of over 100 scholarly articles and chapters and author or editor of over forty books, translated into over a dozen languages. His research has been featured in major media outlets and is the subject of a PBS NOVA documentary “Life’s First Feelings.”

Visit Dr. Greenspan’s web site.

Dr. Greenspan died on April 27, 2010. Click here to read “Dr. Stanley Greenspan dies, founded Floortime and developmental approaches to autism therapy” in the Examiner.

Psychoanalysis must come together and represent the deepest levels of the human mind in all areas of human endeavor, from individual psychopathology and treatment to understanding complex social phenomena….As a perspective on the human mind and a method of inquiry, psychoanalysis needs to understand the complex social patterns that are denying human depth and complexity. It must look at its own defensive reactions to the mounting challenges it has been facing. Ultimately, it must embrace nothing short of the responsibility of guiding the world back to an appreciation of human beings that have contributed to its creation and may determine its future. – Stanley I. Greenspan