Shmuel Erlich, PhD, 2005

Prof. Shmuel Erlich held the Sigmund Freud Chair in Psychoanalysis and was director of the Sigmund Freud Center for Study and Research in Psychoanalysis (1992-2005), and Clinical Associate Professor (Emeritus) in the Department of Psychology, The Hebrew University. He is training and supervising analyst and was chair of the Training Committee, Israel Psychoanalytic Institute, and President of the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Among his many articles on psychoanalytic understanding of social processes, he focuses on the Israeli/ Palestinian conflicts in “On Discourse with the Enemy: a Psychoanalytical Perspective” (Vol.1 No.4 1994). Other writings focus on adolescence, the psychoanalytic situation, object relations and experience, terror and the terrorist mind. He was visiting Associate Professor in Psychiatry at Yale University. He has published extensively and is active in the Israeli Mental Health field in many ways. Dr. Erlich, a brilliant practitioner, teacher and researcher, is central figure in Israeli psychoanalysis.