Ronald Britton, MD, 2013

Ronald Britton ran a regular post-graduate seminar during the 1990s in Frankfurt, and between 2002 and 2008 in New York. He also ran seminar series in Vienna and Athens, and Sydney, Australia. Together with John Steiner and Michael Feldman, he runs a post-graduate clinical seminar for Russian analysts in London and, for the past two decades, he has run an annual weekend conference (West Lodge) for analysts from overseas.

Over the past twenty years, he has given lectures in Germany (Frankfurt, Berlin, Stuttgart, Munich), Switzerland (Zurich, Geneva, Basle), Italy (Rome, Florence, Turin), France (Paris, Nice), and Poland (Warsaw). He has lectured in the USA (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco), and in Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay. Most recently he has both lectured and taught in Japan, in Hiroshima and Tokyo.