Marina Altmann de Litvan, PhD, 2017

Dr. Altmann de Litvan’s work has focused on building bridges between systematic psychoanalytic research and clinic research. A clinical practitioner for adults and children for more than 35 years with a focus on Latina American psychoanalysis and mother-baby relationships. She has worked tireless to promote the development and growth of psychoanalysis in different contexts and with cross-functional work teams. The Three-Level Model for Observing Patient Transformations (3-LM) encompasses a widely distributed guide for refining, conceptualizing, and systematizing clinical observations about patient transformations and her support for this model reflects her efforts to champion change. The 3-LM goes from clinic to theory, from implicit to explicit theory, from unquestioned hypotheses to reviewed hypotheses enriched by the work on the clinical material after its discussion by several participants with different perspectives. It seeks to enhance clinical observations, making them more accurate and more useful for theory testing and theory building through a systematic analysis of clinical material. Dr. Altmann de Litvan has successfully applied these principles while working with hospitals, academic institutions, non-governmental organizations and prisons.
